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Sweat the small stuff!

Jill Cook,

In this post, I would like to share an experience I've had, which I believe everyone in life has had.

How we can very easily accept the niggles and pains, or tiredness, headache and put it down to one thing or another.

Back in the first week of January I went down with Covid! What a way to start the New Year, however the symptoms were typical of a cold and I knew I needed to take time and just rest, allowing the body to heal and dosed up on vitamin D,C, and zinc. The following weeks I felt fine and life went back to normal. (Or as normal as it was back in January!)

The beginning of March was the first time I noticed I was losing my energy and my gut didn't feel right. Previous to this, I would have continued, trying to adjust my diet again, putting it down to one of those dips or just being busy at the moment! It probably would of carried on for several more months like this because the body is so clever at compensating and making adjustments for as long as possible, until one day it becomes too much and dis-ease has sets in.

I booked myself in for a treatment, and after discussing how I was feeling and checking a few things, including blood chemistry and blood pressure, we found that my blood pressure had risen to a hypertension level. This was quite a shock for me as I have always had low blood pressure, and I knew my diet hasn't changed over the last year so could only put it down to post Covid. In addition, my gut microbiome was reset, and we also found and treated a viral infection. With the appropriate supplements and treatment, my gut is feeling so much better and my blood pressure has dropped to where it normally is. My energy has returned.

We can't always control what life throws at us, so we put our heads down and carry on, but we only have one body, so look after it. That's why it's so important to sweat the small stuff before it becomes a big deal!



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